Sunday, 9 August 2009

Customer Services: Part I: Who is Our Customer

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises; he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Now this is the first one which I want to share with you all. I have only two years of experience and in these two years luckily I was able to interact with two customers; first was a non Indian customer and the second one was an Indian customer. Also I have a very experienced staff around me so I can say that I have more than 30 years of customer experience. In retrospect, I feel dealing with non-Indian client was easier than that of with the Indian one. I am putting here my personal view on marketing based on my personal experience (including what I got from my highly experienced staff at Mumbai) till now.

This world is a market and two kind of people live here: 1) Seller and 2) Buyer. The first one is salesperson and the second one is Customer. We all come under these two categories. Most of us find ourselves as a customer but at the same time we are salesperson as well but we do not realize it. Let’s take a very simple example; ‘I remember an instance of my school when I was in class third, everyone was very much fond of other's lunch box and to get that they use all means of ways. In that scenario motive was “lunch box” and the customer was “classmate”. Also when one found a very rich customer (in terms good food), he/she tried to retain that so that he/she can enjoy the delicious food for a long turn.’ There are so many if you can think how many times you acted as a customer and as a salesperson. Now think about the above for a while how focused was one to achieve ones goal. If we relate it with the current market scenario than the “lunch box” is “money” and “classmate” is “customer”. There are two things I have noticed very important:
1) Making new customer
2) Retention of customer

Both are very difficult in current market situation but in my views the second one is the most important aspect of customer services for any organization. Also it requires a lot of research and analysis. Most of the successful organizations focus on that part only.

When we go to market to sell our product/services, two things we keep in mind 1) our motive (to make money) 2) Attract customer. But we always do mistake by forgetting the fact that money comes from customer and at the end of the day we finish with praising our product/services and forget the customer. We start working on our services/product without proper investigation and research on customer. We don’t know who is our target customer and we only focus on our services.

There are lots of things to share on this but I want to have some inputs from your experience. Please tell me “Who is our Customer?”

Please give your valuable suggestions and feedback on this. All kinds of comments are welcome.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Dezires or D-zires

I don’t know how to start but I have to anyhow. I have lots of thoughts to share with you all. Whenever I am alone so many thoughts come in my mind but I don’t know how to pen down the entire thing in a manner such that my feelings reach out to you. All thoughts get jumbled and when I put these things on papers, all seem random i.e. no sequence. But now I think I should write no matters in whatever manner.

However my blog is purely Business management blog, I am starting writing with the name of my blog ‘D-zires’.

Whatever has happened to us or happening with us is just because of us. We cannot blame others for this. We all know this but we forget many times. It’s we only who are responsible for all good and bad things with ourselves. And at the same moment I find myself victim of my own desires. My desires are very high and with the time it has become so strong that I cannot stop here. I am helpless and my desire is taking me from my all the relations as well as myself. I have got different perception about myself, what really I am not. From my childhood till now I used to suppress my feelings and desires but when the saturation point was crossed it made me crazy. And it completely took over me. I got health problem just because of it. There was no way to get out of it for me. Then I started meditation and it really helped me a lot. Now I am well but it doesn’t mean my desires are over. They are still there but in my control. I have taken my own example here to explain a bit about desire from my personal experience.

Desire is everywhere in everyone’s life. With your help I want to search a solution for excess of desires. I feel a person should rule his/her desire otherwise it will kill his/her identity. But this is also true that after a certain limit controlling your desire is very difficult because you are stuck in it so much that you have made it your life and getting out of it means getting out of life. However I believe it can be managed.

Also coin has another side too. Desires are very important as far as our progress or growth is concerned. Suppose today you have a small sweet corner in a very small town or village, until and unless you desire to become richer you won’t extend your shop to a restaurant. There are so many examples to illustrate it very well. I would love to take example of Late Mr. Dheerubhai Ambani. He was the man who ruled out his desires and fulfilled his dream. If he had no desire to become richest would he be able to be so? No, never. But again I would say he was not slave of his desires, he was ruler.

Now coming to the conclusion of it I find that managed desires can lift you higher and higher but an unmanaged one will certainly make you mentally ill and one day you will be so much stressed and won’t find anyone around you. And that will be too late. You can imagine that time; it’s really dangerous more than an atom bomb within you for you as well as your work. A company is known by its employees and to create a healthy environment everyone’s participation is necessary. It’s your decision where you want to take your life and your career by chasing a well managed desire or an unmanaged killer D-zires.

Please post your comments so that I can improve and come up with more efficiency.